We are so confident in our roster of talent, that we guaranteeyour satisfaction.If you are not happy with the vocal delivery from the talent, we offeryou the option to select another voice if a second broadcast qualityrecording has not been received.
After casting a voice (following payment), sending your script of less than 2 minutes and receiving the first recording, you decide the voice is not right for the job, contact us and we'll help you select another voice from our roster.All our talent are seasoned professionals with a track record. The Voice Realm not only saves time, but also saves you money, as the rate you pay for the voice over talent includes remote studio fees.
*THE VOICE REALM retains the right to decline this offer if it is abused or used in a false and/or misleading way. This guarantee is only applicable for jobs of less than 2 minutes and before receiving a second recording by the voice talent and only if the voice over talent has not been auditioned prior to booking the paid job. The Voice Realm must be informed of any request to cast another voice within seven days of the date of payment. A document must be signed and returned to The Voice Realm via email confirming that any audio files received and any copies that had been made will never be used for any purpose and will be destroyed/deleted. This offer is strictly valid if only one recording has been sent from the voice talent to the advertiser through The Voice Realm website after payment has been made. Voice Satisfaction Guarantee does not apply to QUICKcast bookings.